PartnerNET Help Overview
Payment of Account
Till Reconciliation


Till Reconciliation

The purpose of this function is to allow the Agent to view their Till Reconciliation report. The agent will get to see a break down of all the CASH and CHEQUE payments that were processed against their Agent number. It will also provide the agent with the total amount that is owed to BOC. This tool has no processing functions; its only purpose is to provide you with valuable information.

Put your mouse pointer over the “Payment” section. A drop down menu will appear below displaying multiple topics, click on the “Till Reconciliation” button.

In order to retrieve the Till Reconciliation report you must first click the box to the left of the words “Current Till Report”, this will put a green checkmark in the box. Next, click on the “Print” button. If you wanted to cancel your request you can always click on the “Close” button to back out of the function.

Once the “Print” button has been clicked a new window will open and your Till Reconciliation will load up in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. You can now print this report to your local printer.