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Customers returning cylinders where there is a qenuine query or complaint are dealt with as Faulty Cylinders A free of charge (FOC) replacement is given providing the agent is satisfied the customer has a justifiable complaint. Please contact your Agent Support team to advise them of the cylinder detail and also the free of charge sales order number. The team will provide you with a telequery number and this must be entered into the 'Customer Order Ref No'field.
On the initial screen please enter the customer number and click on the 'GO' button. ICC Agents must also select the Scan Package. This will take you through to the correct screen where you should check that the customer details are correct before proceding. Material Number: Enter the material number for the faulty product. Supplied Qty/Returned Qty: Please enter the correct quantities remembering that this must be on a 1-1 basis. For ICC Agents the Material and Quantities will automatically be displayed when the Scan Package has been selected. Contact the Agent Support Team and request a telequery number. This telequery number should now be entered into the 'Customer Order Ref No' field. Please enter in the format telequery number - foc. Eg 501234567 FOC. You should now click on the 'Validate Order' button. When the order has been validated please click on the 'Submit Order' button. You will now be given a sales order number which you can quote to the Agent Support Team and they can attach the order to the telequery. You should print 2 copies of the sales order one for your records and one to pass on to the customer. Once you have finished with the document please click on the 'Close' button and you will be returned to the PartnerNet home page.