The Stock Balance option allows an Agent to generate a report that will show the number of cylinders / materials that BOC currently have recorded against the Agent. This report can be used by an Agent to assist in stock control. The report can be run using a single material code, selected material codes or all material codes.
Stock Balance Selection Screen |
The initial Stock Balance: Selection screen allows the Agent to have control on what they require in the report. For example if an Agent is having problems with stock control on a specific material, this may be entered in the material number to generate the report for the one material. This could be done daily to control this material.
If the balance of only one material code is required, enter the material number and click on the Go button.
By using the Material List Search button, all material codes held on the plant will be displayed. Clicking in the Selection check box of specific materials, then clicking on the Submit button will generate a report for only the selected materials. If the incorrect materials were selected, click on the Clear button to clear all the previously selected items. Select the correct items and click on the Submit button. Displayed will be the number of cylinders in:
- Valuated Stock - This is the number of cylinders the system currently states is being held by the Agent. This number includes any cylinders that may have been sold during the day.
- Last GI - Last supply date goods issued to customer.
The report is displayed in PDF format and can be printed by using the print option at the top of the screen. When PDF file is no longer required simply close the screen using the X on the top right hand of the screen.