Customer Container Holdings |
This section will allow you to view the cyBOCrs that are currently held by the specified customer’s BOC account. Having access to this type of information will assist you in managing the customer’s account properly. This screen also displays the amount of leases that the customer may have assigned to their cyBOCrs.
Put your mouse pointer over the “Utilities” section. A drop down menu will appear below displaying multiple topics, click on the “Customer Container Holdings” button.
Enter an account number and click on the “Go” button. If you do not know the customer’s account number refer to your Authority to Supply List. If at this point you would like to cancel or back out of this function you must click on the “Cancel” button.
Once the “Go” button has been clicked a new window will open and your customer’s account balance will display in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. You can now print this report to your local printer.